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Little Princess and the Fox / la princesita y el Zorro

"Just that," said the fox. "To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you, on your part, have no need of me. To you I am nothing more than a fox like a  hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world . . ." /

—Sí - dijo el zorro-. Para mí no eres todavía más que un muchachito semejante a cien mil muchachitos. Y no te necesito. Y tú tampoco me necesitas. No soy para ti más que un zorro semejante a cien mil zorros. Pero, si me domesticas, tendremos necesidad el uno del otro. Serás para mí único en el mundo. Seré para ti único en el mundo.....


Baquedano Underground Station

a friend of mine  always tell me this: " If I would be a really son of a bi¨¨  I would have comitted suicidade by throwing myself into Baquedano, because I woud collapse  Santiago's underground system..." Thanks God he is an adorable human being... / La mejor manera de cagarse a todo Santiago es  matarse en la estacion de metro Baquedano... lejos la forma mas eficiente de colapsar la ciudad .


Pies Pequeños / small feet

Fairy tale princesses have small feet, like me, so I'm an undercover fairy tale princess... Hey, tha's explained a lot so  I wonder :  where is my charmed prince ? / las princesas de cuento tienen pies pequeños como yo, asi que soy una princesa de cuento secreta. jjjaa


Plaza Italia / Italia Square

    Italia Square is the invisible border of  this city. If you live above Plaza Italia , you will belong to  Chilean Upper Class, "la gente como uno", etc  ( hypothetically). But If you have the bad luck of living below Plaza Italia,  you will be part of the underqualified national  work force or a member of  the social climbist middle class. That is to say,  if   you are not part of them, you are a stranger, an  outcast or a shadow... hard to explain because this is a cultural issue rather than something which can be  explained  empirically or something like that. / Plaza  Italia: si vives arriba eres de la " gente como uno" si vives abajo, eres de los " otros", si   no cabes en nunguna categoria, eres un alien... que dificil es vivir en Chile!



An  error  is  a fossilized  mistake that is already set in our linguistic perfomance. By example, when  non native speakers of English say people is instead of people are ( shame on me). Here, the picture shows a literal  error, because this guy has been tattoed Boz instead of  Voz,  therefore, he must live with an envident misspelling for the rest of his life. That is a real and fossilized error./  Este tipo se tatuó un error ortografico, porque escribió boz en vez de voz... eso si que es una fosilizacion.



animita (1) araucaria (1) Av. Matta (1) Bandera Chilena (1) Barrio Lastarria (1) barrio republica (4) barrio yungay (5) Barrio Yungay (1) Barrrio Yungay. (1) biblioteca de santiago (6) Bolivia Street (5) Bus (1) Calle Curico (1) Camino Los Trapenses. (2) Camino los Trapenses (1) campus oriente (1) Campus Oriente (7) Campus San Joaquin (22) carabineros (1) Carcel de Mujeres (1) Carmen Street (2) Casa Central UC (2) catedral de santiago (2) Catedral de Santiago (1) cats (3) cementerio el prado (1) Cementerio General (2) centro cultural gabriela mistral (2) Cerro San Cristobal (3) cerro santa lucia (1) Children`s day. San Ramon (3) church (1) clouds (1) Costanera Center (1) Costanera norte (1) Cruz Roja (1) Detras de Casa Central (1) dia de la inmaculada concepcion (1) Dia Tematico Junio (1) diario el mercurio (1) Downtown (5) earthquake (2) Edificio Telefonica (1) Ejercito Street (2) EL Golf (1) Escuela de Derecho (1) Escuela Militar (2) Estacion Central (2) Estacion de Buses La Cisterna (1) Estacion San Joaquin (3) Estado Street (1) Football Worldcup (1) futbol (2) Futbol (1) Gabriela Mistral (1) gaden of forking paths (1) Gargolas (1) gol (1) Gol (2) Gorbea (1) graffiti (10) Halloween (1) Homecenter (1) Hospital San Jose (2) Iglesia de santo domingo (1) Iglesia San Agustin (2) Jardin de Senderos que se Bifurcan (1) junk Food (1) La Bandera (2) la florida (10) La Moneda (1) la reina (6) La reina (1) La Reina (5) LAs Condes (7) libertad (1) lluvia (2) lo barnechea (2) Los TRapenses (1) Lourdes (3) Macul (9) main campus (1) maipu (6) Maipu (2) Mall Florida Center (2) mall paseo quilin (1) Mall Plaza Vespucio (3) Mapurbe (1) Mercado Central (1) metro (2) metro baquedano (2) Metro Bellas Artes (1) Metro de Santiago (9) Metro los dominicos (1) metro Plaza Egaña (1) metro toesca (1) Moneda (2) museo de historia natural (1) Museo de Historia Natural (5) museo de la educación (1) Nostalgic Shop (1) Ñuñoa (1) Open Air Museum (5) Parque Bustamante (1) parque la bandera (1) Parque La Bandera (1) paseo ahumada (1) Passapoga (1) Patronato (1) peñalolen (2) perro (1) plane (1) Plaza De Armas (1) Plaza Egaña (1) Plaza Italia (1) Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile (5) Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile . (3) posseidon (1) Providencia (17) pudahuel (2) puente alto (9) Puente Santa Ana (1) quinta normal (3) Recoleta (2) romualdito (1) Saint Francis' church (1) Saint Vicent's Church. (1) Salvador Allende (1) Salvador Avenue (1) San Carlos de Apoquindo (1) San Carlos de Apoquindo (1) san ramon (15) Sanhattan (6) Santa Lucia Hill (1) Santa Marta (1) Santa Rosa (1) santiago (7) Santiago Downtown (17) Semaforo (1) September (1) Sociedad de Socorros Mutuos (1) stencil (3) strike (1) Students demonstration (1) Subcentro Escuela Militar (1) Tata (1) Tere's apt (4) Terracotta Army (2) terreomoto (1) tienda Zara (1) Torre Entel (3) torta cumpleaños (1) traffic lights (1) transantiago (1) Tugul Street (3) Universidad de Chile (3) Vicuña Mackenna (1) Vitacura (2) Winnie's apartment in Santiafo (1) Winnie's apartment in Santiago (1) Workers Society of Mutual Help (1) ZombieWalkCHile 2011 (1) ZombieWalkChile2011 (4)



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