
Panes et Circences / Bread and Circus to the People

                          Chile`s football team has qualified to the round prior to the quaterfinals ( although It had been defeated by Spain )  ... a little excuse for celebrating.
Clasificatorias a Octavos de Final, a pesar de la derrota, una excusa para celebrar 


Purple mistake / Defecto purpura

                                       That purple light is not a ghost, just a flash misuse.. I hope
                                        No es un fantasma, solo un error del flash.


Imperative form / Modo imperativo

  Turn off the telly, Turn on your mind .Form: imperative, communicative use :command... Hey, I have learnt something in Synchronic Grammar!! ( nerd joke )
Sin traduccion, chiste interno.


Who wins ? / Quien gana?

                                              Which is the tallest, the palm or the building?
                                               Quien es mas alto? la palmera o el edificio


The Street is alive / La calle esta viva

But all pedestrian walk in the same way, without variation.
Pero sin novedad.


A bit from the past / Un fragmento del pasado

                           Saint Francis' Church is  the oldest  historical building of  Santiago City . It had  built between 1586 and 1628 when Pedro de Valdivia donated To Franciscan Order the hermitage of help land where Pedro de Valdivia built a chapel dedicated to Our Lady of Help. ( I couldn`t find a proper translation for Socorro ).    Information Source :http://www.auroradechile.cl/newtenberg/681/article-10416.html


Quoting Sochrates / Citando a Socrates

                                                         Know /understand yourself??


Singing in the Rain

                                                    " Y la lluvia caerá,  luego vendrá el  verano?"
Como no leo poesìa, mis únicos referentes líricos son las canciones que he escuchado alguna vez... Y bueno se me olvidan los autores y la letra, asi que es una construccion inconclusa,por decirlo de alguna manera. Pero  este verso me pareció apropiada para la foto.
 I don't read poetry so my  poetical/aesthetical   sources are pop songs. Well.  I usually forget  part of the lyrics or who sang/ wrote / made popular almost all songs I have ever listened to.  But this verse  matches perfectly the picture,  at least I think that.


Stormy Weather / Despues de la tormenta

                                          "  Don't know why, there's no sun up in the sky

                                         Stormy weather, since my man and I ain't together

                                         Keeps raining all the time" ( Billy Holliday)


Snowy Mountain / Montaña Nevada

Majestuosa es la blanca montaña, que te dio por valuarte el Señor...
( Chilean National Anthem,I don't know how translate it, but the sense of the phrase is to praise the beauty of Los Andes Mountains and their snowy summit ( is it correct ? )


Angel de mi Guarda / Guardian Angel

Angel de mi Guarda, dulce compañìa no me desampares ni de noche ni de dia, ni en la hora de mi muerte Amen / Angel of God, My Guardian Dear, To whom God's love  commits me here,Ever this day, be at my side, to right, to guard, to rule and guide.


Cumbres borrascosas / Wunthering heights

"Tambien ella se pierdse por la silenciosa calle por donde se ha perdido el huesped; tambien ella desaparece en ese decorado arrogante y desolado de casas ricas para cuyos habitantes es un deber no dar signos de vida" . Pier Paolo Pasolino,Teorema


Finding Alfred / Buscando a Alfred

Guess where is my friend Alfred ? / Adivinen donde esta mi amigo Alfred


Football Fever / Fiebre Fubolera

This is the official bus that  will transport Chilean Football Team in SouthAfrica. You know,  Fifa's Football Worldcup is coming...
Bus oficial de la seleccion chilen en Sudafrica. El mundial se acerca.



animita (1) araucaria (1) Av. Matta (1) Bandera Chilena (1) Barrio Lastarria (1) barrio republica (4) barrio yungay (5) Barrio Yungay (1) Barrrio Yungay. (1) biblioteca de santiago (6) Bolivia Street (5) Bus (1) Calle Curico (1) Camino Los Trapenses. (2) Camino los Trapenses (1) campus oriente (1) Campus Oriente (7) Campus San Joaquin (22) carabineros (1) Carcel de Mujeres (1) Carmen Street (2) Casa Central UC (2) catedral de santiago (2) Catedral de Santiago (1) cats (3) cementerio el prado (1) Cementerio General (2) centro cultural gabriela mistral (2) Cerro San Cristobal (3) cerro santa lucia (1) Children`s day. San Ramon (3) church (1) clouds (1) Costanera Center (1) Costanera norte (1) Cruz Roja (1) Detras de Casa Central (1) dia de la inmaculada concepcion (1) Dia Tematico Junio (1) diario el mercurio (1) Downtown (5) earthquake (2) Edificio Telefonica (1) Ejercito Street (2) EL Golf (1) Escuela de Derecho (1) Escuela Militar (2) Estacion Central (2) Estacion de Buses La Cisterna (1) Estacion San Joaquin (3) Estado Street (1) Football Worldcup (1) futbol (2) Futbol (1) Gabriela Mistral (1) gaden of forking paths (1) Gargolas (1) gol (1) Gol (2) Gorbea (1) graffiti (10) Halloween (1) Homecenter (1) Hospital San Jose (2) Iglesia de santo domingo (1) Iglesia San Agustin (2) Jardin de Senderos que se Bifurcan (1) junk Food (1) La Bandera (2) la florida (10) La Moneda (1) la reina (6) La reina (1) La Reina (5) LAs Condes (7) libertad (1) lluvia (2) lo barnechea (2) Los TRapenses (1) Lourdes (3) Macul (9) main campus (1) maipu (6) Maipu (2) Mall Florida Center (2) mall paseo quilin (1) Mall Plaza Vespucio (3) Mapurbe (1) Mercado Central (1) metro (2) metro baquedano (2) Metro Bellas Artes (1) Metro de Santiago (9) Metro los dominicos (1) metro Plaza Egaña (1) metro toesca (1) Moneda (2) museo de historia natural (1) Museo de Historia Natural (5) museo de la educación (1) Nostalgic Shop (1) Ñuñoa (1) Open Air Museum (5) Parque Bustamante (1) parque la bandera (1) Parque La Bandera (1) paseo ahumada (1) Passapoga (1) Patronato (1) peñalolen (2) perro (1) plane (1) Plaza De Armas (1) Plaza Egaña (1) Plaza Italia (1) Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile (5) Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile . (3) posseidon (1) Providencia (17) pudahuel (2) puente alto (9) Puente Santa Ana (1) quinta normal (3) Recoleta (2) romualdito (1) Saint Francis' church (1) Saint Vicent's Church. (1) Salvador Allende (1) Salvador Avenue (1) San Carlos de Apoquindo (1) San Carlos de Apoquindo (1) san ramon (15) Sanhattan (6) Santa Lucia Hill (1) Santa Marta (1) Santa Rosa (1) santiago (7) Santiago Downtown (17) Semaforo (1) September (1) Sociedad de Socorros Mutuos (1) stencil (3) strike (1) Students demonstration (1) Subcentro Escuela Militar (1) Tata (1) Tere's apt (4) Terracotta Army (2) terreomoto (1) tienda Zara (1) Torre Entel (3) torta cumpleaños (1) traffic lights (1) transantiago (1) Tugul Street (3) Universidad de Chile (3) Vicuña Mackenna (1) Vitacura (2) Winnie's apartment in Santiafo (1) Winnie's apartment in Santiago (1) Workers Society of Mutual Help (1) ZombieWalkCHile 2011 (1) ZombieWalkChile2011 (4)


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