I hope these little fellows remain alive when students come back in March.According to my friend Jaime, fish do not live long in San Joaquin Campus' pond because they are used to commit suicidade jumping off the pond. It's true, he said, because he saw one fish did that once, a few months ago
Espero que estos amiguitos aun vivan cuando los estudiantes vuelvan en marzo, ya que acuerdo a mi amigo Jaime, los peces no duran mucho tiempo en las fuentes ornamentales del Campus San Joaquin porque acostumbran a suicidarse saltando fuera del agua. Es verdad, él dijo, ya que vio a un pez hacieno eso una vez hace un par de meses.
We just know about the earthquake in Chile. Send news. We hope you are well.
ResponderEliminarI have been reading about the earthquake in Chile. I hope you and your family are alright, Paulina. I'll be keeping you all in my prayers.